05. – 06. October 2019 // Bochum Germany
Javascript Conference
Ruhr Valley

Sandrina Pereira


Bringing A Healthy Code Review Mindset to your team

Last time you collaborated in a code review, did your team overcome feedback resistance and manage time expectations? Fostering a healthy mindset is the key to build trust and sharing knowledge with your colleagues.

When doing a code review, you might not be sure of what you are looking for. On the other side, when submitting a code review, you might not know what to wait for. This lack of empathy and wrong expectations between the two sides can trigger unfortunate situations and rush the process until it ends in an unpleasant experience for both sides.

I’ll share how this outcome can be changed by changing your mindset during a Code Review, as an author, a reviewer and mainly as a team.

Speaker Bio

Sandrina Pereira is a web lover that helps turn ideas into accessible products. Besides being a frontend developer, she has an eternal affair with the design world and in her free time she loves to push pixels around. When away from the computer’s keyboard, she switches to other types of keyboards, mainly to play piano or video games.

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